We are proud to announce that Truly Independent has made the final for the Professional Adviser Awards 2023 for the category “Best Advice Network”.

The following key points will determine the winner of this category:

  • What has your company done in the last 12 months to help your adviser clients or users grow their businesses and support their own clients?
  • What particular challenges and opportunities do you see for your adviser clients in the coming years, and how are you helping them to prepare or take advantage of them?
  • Are you providing a type of support service for advisers that they struggle to find elsewhere and what sets your own offering apart from your competitors?

More than 250 advisers, firms and product providers come under consideration each year at the awards, which seek to reward excellence within the financial advice community and among the broader financial services sectors that help serve advisers and their clients.

These awards are also an opportunity for the industry to gather together and celebrate the last 12 months of successes and achievements for advisers and advice firms from all corners of the UK.

Truly Independent CEO, Andrew Goodwin said: “To make the final for this award is absolutely fantastic. With the company already recently listed in the top 100 financial advice firms, this achievement just further highlights our desire for continued growth and providing the highest standards for both clients and advisers.”

The winner will be announced on Tuesday, 25th April 2023.

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